The actress, 31, admits she often feels she is too grown up.
“I think I just became a grown-up in life,” she told Collider. “Sometimes I feel I’m supposed to be older than I am, and then I have these moments where I go, ‘Oh, but wait a minute, I really am just now supposed to be a grown-up. I’ve just been doing this a really long time’. I think that because I’ve just become a grown-up, inside I have just gone, ‘Okay, now I’m actually ready to do it.’ I really want to do things that not only nurture my craft, but nurture me as a human being.
“The ultimate dream in life is to be able to do what you love and learn something from it. To be able to do something that you love in the business, and then have it actually affect human life, that’s what I feel like I’m getting to do now, which is extraordinary.”
Jennifer then discussed being a role model for young women.
“You know,” she said, “I never really thought about being a role model. I started really young, so at 10 years old, I was still very much the person who needed role models. I wasn’t really prepared to be one, but it’s always something that I’ve taken very seriously. It’s something that I really honor and have respect for, and I try to be a good role model now that I am one.”

“I feel like as a person, I am better as a couple,” she said earlier this year.
Jennifer Love Hewitt
JENNIFER LOVE HEWITT, the star of CBS show 'Ghost Whisperer', is set to star in an episode of Law and Order: SVU, which premieres tonight on NBC (29th September 2010) The episode, entitled 'Behave', sees the 31-year-old play a repeat rape victim and she says that the nature of the role has changed the way in which she acts. The Toronto Sun quoted Hewitt as saying, "I don't think I will ever act the same way. It was like something in my heart and my soul just connected on a different level. It was extraordinary. I felt really honoured that they thought I could tackle a subject matter like this and a character like this"

While you would never try to argue that the supporting cast adds anything notable to the show, at least there are a couple of decent actors in the bunch. Camryn Manheim does a reasonable job as Melinda's friend and confidante Delia, while David Conrad is passable as Melinda's long-suffering husband Jim (as well as presumably providing some eye-candy for the ladies). But Jamie Kennedy is a walking disaster.
Kennedy didn't have much screen time (thankfully), but when he did appear he made me want to throw my remote at the telly. The man mumbled his way through the few words he was given and sucked the life out of every scene in which he appeared. Who on earth decided this man could act?! And really, when you look bad acting next to Jennifer Love Hewitt, it might be time to consider another line of work.
So to sum up: Ghost Whisperer's overly dramatic scenes made me squirm, it's cliché horror scenarios made me roll my eyes repeatedly, it's goofy supporting cast brought absolutely nothing to the table, and Jamie Kennedy made me want to smash my telly into small pieces.
It's safe to say I won't be tuning in next week.
Do you watch Ghost Whisperer? Do you agree that it's a silly idea for a show? Have you had to replace a television recently due to Jamie Kennedy? Or maybe you actually like this show - in which case, try to convince me why I'm wrong...

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